Your Prince Edward Island health card (also known as the PEI health care card) is your personal card that gives you access to health care services in the province. If you recently moved to Prince Edward Island, you will need a Prince Edward Island health card.
Without the card, you will have to pay the total charges when you visit a hospital. The Prince Edward Island health card is mandatory for all province residents. It is issued under the province-sponsored health care insurance plan.
In this short article, we are going to cover the following:
Types of health insurance plans in PEI,
PEI health care insurance plan,
Who is eligible for PEI health insurance,
PEI health care card,
How to enroll and apply for your PEI health care card (including requirements),
What you can do with your PEI health card,
How to renew your PEI health card,
What to do if you lose your PEI health card,
Types of health insurance plans on Prince Edward Island
PEI residents can be covered by two types of health insurance plans: Private health insurance and public-funded health insurance.
#1. Private insurance on Prince Edward Island
You are advised to get private health insurance coverage if you are an international student, temporary resident, or visitor to Prince Edward Island.
If you are a new resident and have applied for PEI public-funded health insurance, you may need private insurance for the first three months. PEI health insurance kicks in on the fourth month after registration. So you may get private insurance for that brief period.
#2 Prince Edward Island health insurance
This is publicly-funded health insurance in the Prince Edward Island province in Canada. It is mandatory for all permanent residents.
With this insurance, you will enjoy premium health care at a fraction of the total cost. New residents, temporary workers, and citizens are encouraged to enroll in this health insurance plan.
Not only does it cover most of your health care bills in Prince Edward Island, but if you move to another province, you will remain covered for a full three months.
Also, if you temporarily leave the Prince Edward Island province, you will be covered for any emergency or sudden-illness services that you may need.
Once you enroll for the Prince Edward Island health care insurance, you will be given a health care card. With that card, you can enjoy medical services anywhere in the province.
Prince Edward Island Health Care Card
Upon registering with the public-funded health care insurance, you will get your PEI Health Card. You will need the card in any public-funded health facility in the province. It unlocks and gives you access to pharmacist stores’ medical services and prescription medications.
Your Prince Edward health card is valid for five years, starting from when it was issued.
You will find your Personal Health Number (PHN) on your card. Your unique 8-digit string of numbers uniquely identifies and qualifies you.
The card also shows some of your personal information, such as your name, age, gender, birth date, etc., so it is also a valid means of identification in the province.
Upon expiration, you will need to renew your card (once in five years, as stated above). Your renewal card will also carry your intention to either (or not) donate your organs or tissues. It will also indicate your preferred language for medical services.
Who is eligible for PEI health insurance and PEI health card
The PEI health insurance and health care card is issued to every Prince Edward Island resident.
To qualify as a resident of Prince Edward Island:
It would help if you were legally in Canada, and
You must reside in Prince Edward Island for more than six months each year.
Who is not eligible for a PEI health card
Only some residents of Prince Edward Island can apply for a PEI health card. You cannot apply for a health card if you are:
Unable to work off-campus as an international student,
A tourist or visitor to Prince Edward Island,
An officer in the Canadian Armed Forces,
A prisoner in a Federal penitentiary,
Eligible for other special services (like the Interim Federal Health Program for refugees, Workers’ Compensation, and Department of Veterans Affairs)
How to Enrol and Apply for your PEI Health Care Card
You (and your household) can apply for a PEI health card.
NOTE: You must all be present in the province before you can start your application.
Applying for your Prince Edward health card is easy. You either apply online or offline.
#1. Apply for a PEI health care card online
You will have to fill out the online application form and provide the necessary documents to apply online. You will finish your application in 15 minutes or less when you get all the required documents ready.
What you will need to apply for your PEI health card online
To submit an online application, you will need to upload supporting documents. Make sure the scanned copies are clear and legible. The required documents would depend on your status.
You are a (an):
Canadian Citizen: Attach a copy of your former province’s health card and birth certificate.
Canadian citizen returning from another country: Attach a copy of your Canadian passport.
Permanent Resident: Attach a copy of your Confirmation of Permanent Residence document OR both sides of your Permanent Resident card.
International Student: Attach a copy of your Study Permit & proof of enrollment from your school.
Working resident: Attach a copy of your immigration record.
#2 Apply for PEI health care card offline (by mail)
First, you’ll have to download a PEI health card application form.
Next, correctly fill out the form and mail it to any of these locations (choose the one nearest to you):
PEI Medicare at 126 Douses Road in Montague;
Health PEI at 16 Garfield Street in Charlottetown;
Alberton PEI at 16 Dufferin Street in Alberton;
Charlottetown PEI at 33 Riverside Drive;
Montague PEI at 41 Wood Islands Road;
O’Leary PEI at 45 East Drive;
Souris PEI at 15 Green Street;
Summerside PEI at 120 Heather Moyse Drive;
Wellington PEI at 48 Mill Road;
Tignish PEI at 103 School Street;
To update your information after application, call 1-800-321-5492.
How to Renew your PEI Health Card
Remember that your Prince Edward Island health care card expires in five years.
Renewing your card is easy. You can renew online or offline.
Renew online if you are not reporting any change in personal information. You can renew your PEI health card online by clicking here.
What you’ll need to renew your PEI health card online.
You will need the following:
Your household renewal letter,
Your household number (It is on your renewal letter), and
Personal Health Number (PHN) and date of birth.
Note: If you’re renewing for your household, submitting the form will automatically renew all register cards in your household.
For any inquiries, contact PEI Medicare directly at 1-800-321-5492.
Renewing offline: Two months before your card’s expiry date, a renewal letter (and necessary validation information) will be mailed to your address. Make sure to complete the documents and return them to ensure uninterrupted coverage.
What if you Lose your PEI Health Card?
You can easily apply for a replacement card if your card is lost or stolen. Replacement cards cost $10 per card and, at most, $50 per household.
To apply, download a Replacement Health Card request form. Fill it out, include your cheque (or money order made payable to Health PEI), and mail it to PEI Medicare:
Contact the department at:
Health PEI
16 Garfield Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136
Note: Your replacement card will be free if your name changes or if you receive a card with incorrect information.
Your PEI Health Coverage When you Travel out of the province
As mentioned, you are covered for all emergency/sudden-illness medical services when you are not in the province. However, when you travel or temporarily have to stay outside the Prince Edward Island province, please get private health insurance coverage.
Here are four things you also need to know.
#1. When you need to travel outside Prince Edward Island province
If you leave the province for at least one month, Notify PEI Medicare of your absence.
Contact the department at:
Health PEI
16 Garfield Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136
You will need to provide essential information like your departure and return dates, destination, and reason for absence.
#2. When you’re leaving the country
If you have to leave the country, you have to be aware that the cost of medical services will be significantly higher. But, not to worry, you will be reimbursed in Canadian currency at Prince Edward Island rates.
The insurance program will not pay the deficit.
When you make any medical expenses outside Canada, and you’re insured with Prince Edward Island health insurance, do the following when you return:
Submit your detailed invoice,
Make sure it is submitted no later than six months after receiving the treatment.
#3. Students that have to study outside the province
If you’re an international student and need to study outside the province, you must notify PEI Medicare about your plans. This notification must come at the beginning of your school year to arrange adequate coverage.
Remember that if you have a valid PEI health card, you are insured and covered for any emergency or sudden illness health services you may need. This includes emergency hospital visits, life-threatening illnesses, and hospital admissions for emergency treatment.
Elective surgeries and treatment procedures for chronic cases (any non-emergency health care you may want) must be approved by Health PEI before the service can be insured.
#4. If you have to work outside Prince Edward Island
If you are a registered PEI resident (with a valid PEI health card) but work outside the province, you must notify PEI Medicare so that appropriate health coverage will be arranged for you.
Here are the department’s contact address and details:
Health PEI
16 Garfield Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136
In conclusion, the Prince Edward Island Health Card and Health Insurance are great options for health coverage. They provide a variety of coverage options, and they are both affordable and accessible. Check out the Prince Edward Island Health Card and Health Insurance if you want health insurance.